Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"What do you want to do with your life?" - A reminder of contentment

I was asked recently about what I saw for myself in the future...and it got me thinking about what I would want to do.

The truth is, I've found I have a passion for things I am currently doing.  It seems simple and I suppose one could make the accusation that I am not a big dreamer for what I want out of life, but the truth of the matter is, I want to do what I am doing and I don't look back and see that there should have been a lot of major changes.

Had you asked me the same question 5 years ago, the answer would have been only a little different, but the truth of the matter is, what I want to be doing, I go out and pursue.  Where I saw myself going and where I ended up is definitely very different but I believe the adjustment in the path of my life was God pushing me to something better than I wanted to do at the time.

I *love* working with other young adults (single and married)...connecting, building relationships, talking about the Bible together, serving together, working through tough issues and being there for each other.

I *love* being able to serve and give back to God with the gift of playing music that He's given me.

I *love* talking with and encouraging my co-workers and being able to bring things back to what I see in the Bible.

I *love* going out and off-roading, seeing the beauty of God's creation that not everyone gets to easily access.

The truth is, I love where I am at...and I am very blessed.  I love seeing people grow and getting to be a part of that.  I love where God has placed me and don't have a strong desire or lust to do something else or to go chasing after some other dream because a lot of that would mean giving up the things I have already been given (and been trusted with).  I feel like I am right where God has placed me and wants me.  It seems very clear to me that I am involved in things that He's set up and set me up for. "Lord, make my heart desire the things you desire" was a prayer I prayed often since I was young and I believe I am there (at least in some aspects).  I desire to be in God's will...that may move me to another job/task/ministry/whatever at some point, but I am confident I will develop a love for that too.

How can you not love the things God has you do when you love God? That's not to say it's always easy or that it's never frustrating, but in the end, I still love what God's given me.  Be it a ministry, be it people, be it whatever...I love it all.

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